Remember your spouse!

It was a gullop of our 5th Gin´s as we heard a scream: “MIIIaauuuauuauuauauauuaHhhh!”.

We watched. There was a cat. We used to own and love one for 20 years. Now there was a similar one behind a Tira Tiraa gate.

So, back to the story, where was the guard? How come they wouldn’t aloud a cat in? We bought them food, drinks… and for the cats also.

Cat yelled again: MIAAAAAUUUUUUHH! Heartbreaking. The gate for our Condo was still closed. The cat was still left outside. The cat was still not happy.

My five yelled: Have to go! And there she went, to rescue the cat behind the fence. She clicked xxxx and the gate opened. The cat was rescued, saved.

I watched, a newly filled whiskey glass in my hand. My wife went. For a cat. Left me. Watched until my eyes filled with tears. Not because of the freed cat, because of my wife.

Why her? Why me? Chose a slightly drunken hippie as me?

Do you love your spouse still? I adore mine, after 24 odd years. Hope you do as well?

Pikku Apuri